Tuesday, September 5, 2017


Knowledge Acquisition Activity

On this activity, you will work doing a Pictionary

Use images from this blog and paste them on your notebook.
  • 10 Home / Daily Routines
  • 10 School/ Work Activities
  • 10 Free Time / Leisure Activities



Monday, September 4, 2017


STAGE 2: How do I spend my time?

What do I do? How do I live?

  • Student's book

Lesson 1: What time does your friend wake up?
- Grammar- simple present 3rd person singular
- Vocabulary- daily and job routines, the time 

Lesson 2: What does he do?
- Grammar- simple present negative
- Vocabulary-job routines, professions

Lesson 3: What time does she do that?
- Grammar- simple present yes/no questions
- Vocabulary- daily routines, the time, sports

Lesson 4: How often do you send SMS?
- Grammar-frequency adverbs
- Vocabulary-communication and entertainment.

Lesson 5: Grammar focus
- Grammar- simple present
- Vocabulary-means of transport

Test Yourself

  • Student’s Guide
- Diagnostic activity
- Knowledge Acquisition Activity 
- Hierarchy and organization activity
- Application Activity 
- Metacognitive activity
- Integrative activity (Nexus)